Chamlian Celebrates Appreciation Banquet Luncheon

Chamlian's Student Council President, Derik Tomasian, honors Board of Regents of Prelacy Armenian School Appreciation dinner with a special speech:

"Last night the Board of Regents of Prelacy Armenian Schools held an appreciation dinner for years of service for teachers and administrators across Los Angeles with 25 or more years of service. Deservedly, many of Chamlian's administrators, staff and faculty received the award and they include:

Mrs. Rita Kaprielian

Miss Arpik Ananian

Ms. Nazeli Shahinian

Ms. Seda Martirosian

Ms. Armenik Hayrapetian

Miss Ani Berberian

Miss Arax Zarzavatjian

Mr. Arshak Ghaloosian

Miss Arda Sosikian

It took God seven days to create the heavens and the earth; but he had to go further to complete his perfection: He created parents and teachers. Teachers are not special because of their knowledge, even though we agree their knowledge is valuable, teachers are special because they are surrogate parents.

So for all that you have done for us, on behalf of all the Chamlian students, I, Student Council President, want to thank you with the deepest gratitude, and may God bless you and your families the way you have been a blessing in ours"