Parent Involvement Program (PIP)

Guidelines for the Parent Involvement Program (PIP)
At the heart of a student's successful educational journey is a strong relationship between their family and the school. Therefore, we have designed the Parent Involvenment Program (PIP) to support this relationship. Under the PIP, we encourage every family to actively participate in our school's life by committing to forty (40) hours of service annually. Historically, Chamlian parents have shown immense support to this initiative. You continually contribute with invaluable resources, skills, competencies, and energy to bolster the school and our communal spirit. We trust and hope you see PIP as a golden opportunity to deepen your engagement with the Chamlian community and to work towards the shared goal of an enriched learning environment for our students. Parents who are unable to complete their full 40 volunteer hours will be charged on their final tuition statement at a rate of $16.00 per hour. 
How it works:
  • A list of upcoming service opportunities will be posted here: CHAMLIAN PIP OPPORTUNITIES
  • Service opportunities consist of volunteer hours or donation of items.
  • Assignments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. The PIP committee will contact parents to bring in their donations or provide volunteer hours for that particular event.
  • It is the responsibility of each parent to record the hours fulfilled by requesting a receipt (PIP credit form) for donated items or by signing in on the designated sign in sheet when attending a particular event (Please retain a copy for your records).
  • The administration will record and maintain an accounting of all service hours. The balance and any unfulfilled hours will be sent to the parents twice a year. 
  • The cutoff for completion of PIP service hours is April 30, 2024.
Possible PIP service hour opportunities:
  • Participation on Parent Committees and events will receive hours according to service. Number of hours will be communicated by the Committee Chair or Activity Chair.
  • Providing support at the Student Store 
  • Volunteering at Armenian and Scholastic Book Fair
  • Chocolate Sale (Each box of chocolate sold receives 1 PIP hour)
  • Volunteering during school-wide events and fundraisers
  • Chaperoning field trips
  • Attending Parent Education Nights
Calculating donations towards PIP hours: Each $60.00 of monetary donation = 1 hour credit towards the 40 hours.
The PIP Committee reserves the right to decline donations of gift certificates or gift items if deemed impractical. If such is the case, donors will be notified immediately.
How to sign up using our SignUpGenius platform:
Step 1: Review and select your choice:
    • Choose the activity for which you would like to donate your time/goods. Make your selection regarding dates, shifts, etc. The system will automatically keep track of, and let you know how many spots are available.
    • For security verification purposes please make sure that you have created an account and provided sufficient contact information.
Step 2: Submit and confirm your selection:
    • Once you have clicked on "SUBMIT", your signup is complete.
    • Should you have any questions prior to or after your submission, an email address is always provided for the chairperson of that activity. You may contact them for details, or [email protected] for general questions.
    • You will not earn PIP credit until you have completed your signup activity. At the time you are volunteering, make sure to sign in and sign out with the activity chairperson to ensure that you receive your PIP credits.