Academics » Anita Torosian Literacy & Resource Center

Anita Torosian Literacy & Resource Center




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The Anita Torosian Literacy and Resource Center is a state-of-the-art learning center designed to provide students with both print and   electronic resources. It is a space that serves to enhance the teaching of reading skills, motivate users to discover interesting books, inspire students to think creatively and critically, and serve as a hub for collaborative projects.





The mission of the Resource Center is to encourage students to become lifelong readers, aide students in developing information literacy and research skills, and collaborate with staff as a part of the school’s instructional program in order to enhance and enrich learning.




The Anita Torosian Literacy and Resource Center aims to be a focal point of Chamlian, where students can

  • browse and discover books and other resources that engage and encourage the love of reading
  • learn to search for appropriate sources that will enhance classroom curriculum
  • learn to use the center’s technology effectively
  • have the opportunity to collaborate with others

Teachers can use the center as a resource to supplement classroom teaching, stimulate students’ interest in reading, and collaborate with the library specialist.




We believe that the resource center should be a place where all students have access to a wide range of titles and where discovering books for both pleasure and information is encouraged by school staff and parents.

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