School Safety

Student safety remains a top priority for our students at Chamlian Armenian School. The school is a closed campus, equipped with locked gates and cameras throughout the facility. There is a security guard on site at all times during school hours as well as after-school until 5:00 pm. Please review the following additional bullet points regarding safety at Chamlian:

  • All visitors must check in with the guard outside of school prior to the gate opening. Guests, which include parents, must provide their reason for visiting campus, and be escorted to the main office to check in as a visitor. All guests must have an appointment set up prior to visiting our campus.
  • Our faculty and staff have completed and participated in various emergency procedure trainings which have covered every emergency scenario from natural disasters to active shooter scenarios. Our faculty and staff have clear directions and training regarding what to do and how to handle any emergency situation. The school is also equipped with earthquake kits that will be able to fully sustain students and faculty for three days in the event of a significant emergency situation. As part of the emergency preparedness plans, emergency drills are conducted regularly under the guidance of the Glendale Fire Department.
  • Chamlian has a very active and positive relationship with the Glendale Police Department, Glendale Fire Department, who regularly check in on the school. School administration is in constant communication with local authorities as well as the health department regarding any updated information about safety procedures.
  • The school has a comprehensive supervision plan in place for mornings, breaks, and after school. The safety of all our students in and outside of the classroom is carefully planned and coordinated. Our main goal is to ensure students will thrive in a safe, loving environment.
  • During after school dismissal, parents are required to wait for their child(ren) in the designated waiting area located in our Marzatasht. Please refrain from entering the campus beyond the waiting area without an appointment.

If your child(ren) need additional support, our School Counselor, Ms. Maral Keosseian, is readily available every day to meet any social and emotional need. Please contact Ms. Maral at [email protected] if you need further support or resources in dealing with this difficult topic.


Student Rights Under Title IX