Bus Service & Carpool
St. Mary’s Armenian Apostolic Church - located at 500 S. Central Ave.
Bus Schedule:
- Morning Departures to School: 7:30am sharp
- Afternoon Return to Church: by 4:00pm
- Supervision: Safety first! Our departure points feature secure environments with supervision from chool personnel, ensuring a safe and comfortable journey for your child to and from school.
- Timeliness: We request that parents are punctual and ensuring timely drop off by 7:25am and pick up by 4:10pm at the latest.
- First-Come, First-Served: Don't miss out! Early signup is highly encouraged to secure your spot.
Sign Up Now: To secure your child's seat on the Chamlian bus service, please fill out the 2024-2025 Chamlian Bus Service Form. For families with siblings, please submit a separate form for each child.
We are committed to providing the highest quality of service to our Chamlian families and look forward to easing your morning routine with our dedicated bus service.
Join Our Carpooling Initiative
At Chamlian Armenian School, we are deeply invested in fostering a sustainable environment for our families. In line with our commitment to reducing traffic congestion around our school, we are eager to encourage our families to embrace carpooling.
Carpool Incentives: As an incentive we offer a $75 discount on monthly tuition for every car participating in a carpool. This significant initiative underscores our dedication to minimizing peak-time traffic, enhancing our community bonds, and forwarding our collective environmental responsibility.
Carpool Guidelines: To ensure our carpooling program runs smoothly and adheres to our goals of efficiency and sustainability, we ask participating families to follow the guidelines:
- School Decal Requirement: Every carpool vehicle must proudly display the decal provided by the school. This decal is not just a marker of your commitment to our environmental and community goals but also simplifies identification and access.
- Consistent Check-Ins: Keeping our carpooling efforts transparent and accountable involves regular check-ins. These check-ins allow us to ensure that our carpooling program remains effective and rewarding for all participants.
- Full-Week Commitment: To qualify for the monthly tuition discount, each carpool must commit to operating 5 days a week. This full-week carpooling ensures maximum impact in reducing traffic and supports a consistent and reliable commuting pattern for our families.
Carpool Sign Up: We hope you will consider joining the many families who are already making a positive impact through their carpooling efforts. To sign up for our carpooling program please complete the Chamlian Carpool Form.