Athletic Director's Message
Dear Chamlian Tigers,
I would like to thank you all for your support and commitment to our Tigers' Athletic Program throughout the years. As faculty and staff, we are proud of our students dedication and commitment to their academic success and also in exercising to maintain proper health in balancing mind and body. Regular physical activity supports children in improving their cardio-respiratory health, maintaining strong muscles and bones, and enhancing their coordination skills.
Chamlian Physical Education Program encourages students to be active and develop healthy lifestyles. Our goal within the P.E. Program is also to work with students to enhance motor skills and develop fundamentals of various sports. The students will be introduce to different sports, games, activities and exercises they can use for the rest of their lives. Our P.E. Program also helps our children develop socially by utilizing character building techniques. Children who are exposed to various types of sports develop team work, sportsmanship and other social skills - All while having fun along the way!
Throughout the course of the year, various sports teams are made available to our students on a seasonal basis. These include: basketball, soccer, table tennis, volleyball, and track & field. By offering a wide variety of seasonal programs during each season, our students can find a place where they can apply their personal skills and talents as our institution continues its rich tradition. We encourage participation in athletics because it provides our students with important lessons for life such as teamwork, self-discipline, and dedication.
Thank you,
Tomik Iranosian
Athletic Director