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The Art Program is designed to encourage student creativity and self-expression through the utilization of various media, art, and technological techniques. The program facilitates expression of  students’ unique artistic abilities and individual styles, thereby strengthening their self-esteem.  Projects are regularly assigned, both within the classroom to encourage and enhance collaboration skills as well as at home to cement various artistic styles learned within the classroom setting. 

Through weekly art classes, students in grades K-6 are introduced to a plethora of styles and genres of art expression.  Students study Art History, surveying various artists and art movements throughout history.

The art curriculum follows the California State Standards for Visual Arts and is designed to complement the academic curriculum by reinforcing what has been taught in the core curricular areas. 


Students in grades K through 6 meet for music class once a week, during which time they learn to sing various Armenian and American patriotic and folk songs.  As students enter the upper elementary grades, they begin to sing in two voices, soprano and alto, and are taught music theory.

The music department includes the following elements: 

  • Students research and learn about famous composers’ biographies. 

  • Students are introduced and familiarized with various musical instruments. 

  • Introduction to various genres of music (Jazz, Opera, Classical, Folk) and opportunity for immersion in said musical genres are facilitated during music classes.

  • Dancing (Body Movement K-3rd) is fostered as students are encouraged to align themselves with the musical composition. 

Furthermore, students are often exposed to professional Armenian singers, experts, and guest speakers who are invited to perform and discuss their real-life musical experiences. Music class also serves to prepare students for various performance opportunities of their own throughout the academic year.