
Embracing Technology: A Vision for the Future at Chamlian
In a rapidly evolving world, Chamlian Armenian School proudly stands at the forefront of integrating technology within education. Our vision is clear: to harness the power of information and communication technologies, molding our students into proficient users who can thrive in the 21st-century global community. Our commitment to this vision is encapsulated in our ESLR's, focusing on developing competent technology users equipped with essential 21st-century skills. Our aim is for Chamlian students to not only navigate but excel in a complex, technological world by utilizing these tools to become empowered and well-rounded learners, practicing safe, secure, and ethical computing.
Cloud-Based Learning and Google Apps for Education
Our technology implementation strategy is ambitious yet straightforward. By adopting a cloud-based instruction model, we provide a robust foundation for our students to explore various technologies. Chamlian leverages Google Apps for Education, offering a springboard for further academic pursuits and real-life applications. This strategy acknowledges the challenges of a global society, pushing us to continuously align our mission and values with the demands of a technologically advanced world.
Innovative Learning through STEAM
The Chamlian STEAM program stands as a beacon of innovative learning, blending science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics. Through project-based learning linked directly to classroom instruction, our students are encouraged to solve problems and think critically across disciplines. Our 21st-century curriculum offers countless opportunities for students to apply their knowledge, fostering skill development across all academic areas. By encouraging students to think beyond traditional subject boundaries and the classroom walls, our STEAM program cultivates logical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and most importantly, the ability to bring innovative ideas to fruition.
21st Century Learning with the SAMR Model
Chamlian's dedication to technology-enhanced learning is further demonstrated through our use of the SAMR model as a benchmark for curriculum integration. Standing for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition, SAMR guides our approach from enhancing learning experiences to transforming them. Our goal is to move beyond mere substitution to reach the levels of modification and redefinition, where technology fully transforms the educational experience into something deeply student-centered.
A Transformative Tool for Teaching and Learning
Technology at Chamlian is more than just a set of tools; it's a transformational force that reshapes teaching and learning. It enhances communication, fosters collaboration, and redefines instructional practices. Our tech-infused curriculum empowers teachers to innovate, enabling students to master the skills necessary to become competent digital citizens. At Chamlian, technology does not merely enhance; it transforms, propelling our students towards a future where they can confidently apply their skills and creativity.